It worked so nice last year…

2 Jan

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I started last year, this whole 90 Day Challege thing, and I’m going for it again.  Even more clean eating!  Even more pain!  Even more broccoli!   I actually don’t have much to say yet, but ya gotta start somewhere, and this whole blogging/documenting thing is a good habit to get into.  For a bit of a laugh, check out last year’s entries.  (what it will demonstrate is that I’m not a real interesting blogger, but there you go).

I came home this morning after a long 24 yesterday during which I’m not sure I actually slept.  That was truly one of the worst nights I’ve ever worked, just non-stop.    Totally beat today, even after a few hours sleep, and I think my neck is kinda wrecked from it, a la headache.  Awesome.  I’ve also been enjoying some intestinal yuck, including sour stomach, cramps, acid-y feeling, and fast-moving food, the details of which I’ll spare you.   The point of that is that I’m concerned I may be able to link it to wheat-product consumption, unsure of other grains and such yet.  I’ve been having and considering this for several weeks now, and when I have it, it lasts for days and makes me feel… just… blah.  I have WODed through milder days and been okay, but the constant sensation of needing to yak is a bit off-putting for the metcons.  This could also resolve any cheating questions regarding holiday cookies and other eating-out maybe-just-this-once problems…

For what it’s worth, anyway, I’m feeling mostly better if still a bit run-down, and I’ve been eating clean and hydrating today.   I’m declaring Primal like last year, which worked so nice for me.   I’ll probably give Zone another shot, but I’m going to get my prep and planning down first.   I did pre-emptively order a pile of Steve’s PaleoKits (4-block size)  and also some of the PaleoKrunch Bars.   Food on the go:  check.   Still have a good working relationship with the Chinese joints, too, so they’re the answer I have at work.   I plan to make some cocoa-date-nut balls like last year, and I’m planning another trip to Honest Weight for drinking chocolate.   Tricks worked; why stop?

I’ve also got a nice bar and set of bumpers, so I plan for more accessory work at home, but I gotta get firm on my getting in to WOD, though that should be easier when I get this GI yuck figured out.

Eating today:  3 egg omelet w/ taco-style chicken, cheese, and spinach.  Cocktail shrimp w/ low-carb cocktail sauce.   ~6 oz broiled steak.  Yum.  Not enough water, but I’m working on it, and I did spend much of today asleep, in fairness.

Plan for tomorrow:  Makeup Fran.  Hit the WOD.  Work tomorrow night.

Plan for this week:  Rolf’s in Albany for LandJaeger and other storeable smoked meats.  They do their own smoking without weird chemicals.  Good stuff.  Honest Weight for drinking chocolate and other potential snacks — nuts and such.   Need to pick up a stash of coconut water and milk for the drinking chocolate (no sugar added, with vanilla flavor for smoothness.   Mostly fat and fantastic!)   Hitting all the benchmark WODs.  Another heavy lifting day, including Squats!

Also this week, map out for next week my exercise and accessory work schedule.  if I go in with a plan and I actually do it, I don’t waffle on what to do or if I should.  There you go.

More soon, Faithful Reader!

One Response to “It worked so nice last year…”

  1. Andy January 2, 2013 at 5:39 pm #

    Nice start Sonya and of course, good luck. Looking forward to seeing you crush wods and setting many PRs.

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